Land Management Studies
Start a career in land management. Help protect the land and future generations with responsible and sustainable development.

A Career In Land Management Studies
A career in land management is an exciting opportunity for Indigenous people to create brighter futures for themselves, their families and their nations.
Indigenous peoples have always been stewards of the land, respecting and using resources responsibly. Land managers play a vital role in helping First Nations develop those resources whether it is an office building, a recreation centre or tourist facility, a mine or an urban commercial and residential development.
Land managers ensure that development sustainably takes place. We must ensure our decisions today will maintain the integrity of our land, water and other natural resources for future generations.
Just as every town and city has a planning department, so every First Nation should have a robust land management system, staffed with qualified personnel.
While land managers work within First Nations’ governments, they are not politicians. Land managers follow the professional guidelines they learn from extensive training and their own experience on the job. Land managers serve successive governments and generations, providing wise advice on how their First Nation should develop residential, commercial, industrial and recreational facilities.
Land managers are also important liaisons between their First Nation’s government and other levels of government. They must work with federal, provincial and municipal government representatives and understand how First Nations laws and needs intersect with those of other governments.

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What You’ll Learn
Manitoba USKE works with NALMA to provide access to land management studies programs nationwide. Each one varies, but in general, each program will provide instruction in the following areas:
- basic environmental, legal and economic aspects of land and resource management in Aboriginal communities.
- The ethics of land management
- communications, computers, time management, leadership, research, and project management.
Programs Through NALMA
Manitoba USKE offers access to various land management studies courses and programs.
NALMA offers courses in the following areas:
- Environmental Unit
Students will develop a new understandings of the tools and resources related to environmental management. Courses will draw from recent legislation and current best practices regarding environmental management on reserve lands and traditional territories.
- Land Use Planning Unit
Land use planning studies focus on how decisions are made in community and reserve development. You’ll learn how First Nations decide where houses, parks, schools and other developments should be located. You will also learn what infrastructure – such as water, hydroelectric service and sewage – is required and how to plan for those.
- Professional Development Unit
NALMA offers a Professional Lands Management Certification Program. This program is used across Canada to signify that a land manager meets specific criteria to do his or her job and has kept current in the field. Land managers must adhere to a professional Code of Ethics. Students must complete two levels of studies before receiving their certification – Level One: Post-Secondary Training and Level Two: Technical Training.
- Survey Unit
Students will develop an understanding of surveys of Indian Reserves and their related products, records and systems. The student will understand concepts of location boundaries, survey posts, and surveying terminology.
- Specialized Training
NALMA offers a range of specialized training courses for land managers.