NALMA Training
Training provided by the National Aboriginal Lands
Managers Association. Visit their site to learn more about their services.

Training Events:
Introduction to Additions to Reserve for Chief & Council (Virtual)
This training provides Chiefs and Councilors a look into the multi-faceted, multi-year process of adding lands to reserve. Topics include:
- Things to consider when purchasing lands for ATR
- The need for building an ATR team and project management
- Reasons for the often lengthy time it takes to add lands, and
- There are numerous issues to be addressed before a submission can be completed.
Other government discussions, environmental assessments, surveys, third-party interests and more will be covered to assist with a greater understanding of the ATR process.
Date: August 28, 2024
Time: 1PM – 3PM EST
Location: Virtual
Language Delivery: English
For more information, please get in touch with Crystal Bourke: at
Register here:
Introduction to Geographical Information Systems (GIS) for Lands Managers Toolkit
This 3-day training provides you with the tools, strategies, and materials you will need as Lands Managers to understand the basics of Geographic Information Systems, and how this technology could be implemented and used in your organization and community. The training provides a hands-on learning experience to teach you the basics of GIS for land management.
Dates: September 24-26, 2024
Location: Vancouver, BC
Language Delivery: English
Sponsorship: Maximum $3,000 per First Nation. As space is limited, only one representative per First Nation will be accepted. Registrations will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.
Mandatory Assignment for Introduction to GIS Training
To register for the Introduction to Geographical Information Systems (GIS) for Lands Managers Toolkit Training, please follow the steps outlined below:
1. Complete the assignment that is linked below. (Contains 1 PDF, 1 PowerPoint and 1 Zip file for downloading)
2. Once you have completed the assignment, go to the registration link, and you can upload your assignment below using the file upload section.
3. After you have uploaded your assignment, you can proceed to register.
Assignment link: Intro to GIS – Assignment documents
Just to let you know, completing the assignment is mandatory to proceed with registration for this training.
Upload your Assignment & Register here: